Facebook and The Gun Industry – What You Need To Know

Operating a business in the firearm industry even if you don't sell guns, comes with complications and risk. This article is part of a series of articles I'm publishing about various online platforms, merchant providers, and tools that have policies related to the firearm industry.

Aside from being a popular social media website and platform, Facebook is among the largest online advertising publishers. The nature of the platform and the amount of data it collects about its users makes it among the more effective places to reach a target audience. My company has spent several million dollars in Facebook advertising and that has led to some valuable insights I would like to share with the industry at large.

In the last 5 years I have spent over 1 million dollars in Facebook advertising. What follows are insights gained from my personal experience.

What Is Facebook's Advertising Gun Policy:

“Ads must not promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives. This includes ads for weapon modification accessories.”

One of the things I really appreciate about Facebook is the level of specificity they provide. For example, here is a list of things they specifically mention as being allowed: safety courses, training or licenses, books, videos about safety, plastic guns, swords, toy weapons, mounted flashlights, scopes and sights for firearms. Hunting, self-defense, and military clothing. Gear such as shooting targets and clay throwers. Holsters and belt accessories. Gun safes, mounts (including bipods), gun cases, and slings. Equipment and protective clothing (including vests). Paint, coatings or wraps for weapons and magazines.

Here is a list of things specifically not allowed: firearms, firearm parts, paintball guns, bb guns. Firearm silencers or suppressors. Weapons of any kind including pepper spray, non-culinary knives/blades, tasers, nunchucks, batons, or weapons intended for self-defense. Fireworks and explosives.

In addition, ads may not promote the “use of weapons,” “brandishing of firearms,” or “sale of weapons.”

In the past, Facebook specified that you could not run an ad for anything if that ad leads someone to a website where the above-prohibited items were being sold even if the product being advertised was not prohibited. Recently Facebook updated its policy and I no longer see that restriction.

The most confusing part of the Facebook policy is the claim that ads cannot promote the use of weapons. That would seem like it stands in contrast with allowing an advertisement for a product that is used with a gun. After all, if you are advertising a gun holster aren't you promoting the use of a gun? Maybe its just me, but in case that confuses you as well I think the core takeaway is that the ads cannot be about shooting guns. As long as your product isn't specified on the naughty list above you should be fine.

What Can You Expect From Facebook:

Facebook must employ thousands of ad moderators because I'm pretty sure they look at EVERY ad we deploy as a company. Maybe I'm on some flagged list of advertisers that warrants that level of attention or maybe they just look at all ads that closely.

Regardless you should expect that your ads will be reviewed by a moderator to ensure compliance with their guidelines. Along those lines I have good news and bad news.

The Bad News: Their moderators seem extremely inconsistent. I have had sometimes the same ad running 32 different times (targeting different audiences) and 12 may be approved and 20 denied. The ads are identical. Clearly, they are all compliant or not. With each ad we submit I feel like it is a 50/50 gamble that it gets through the initial moderation process.

The Good News: 98% of the time when they reject an ad for being non-compliant we simply appeal that decision and they approve it after the appeal. So the good news is there is actually a way to appeal a denied ad and whatever higher level, better-trained, moderators deal with the appeals seem to be more clear on their own guidelines and generally approve my ads.

In addition to being compliant with the policy as stated above, you should also take care to note that Facebook also monitors the number of people who complain about your ad. Targeting non-gun friendly people with your gun-related advertising is likely to cause people to report your ad or complain about it. Enough of those actions will lead to your account being frozen or deleted.

What Are Your Options – Should You Do Business With Facebook?

If your products and services are compliant with the Facebook advertising policy I see no reason you shouldn't at least consider advertising on their platform if it is profitable.

I understand the desire to not “feed” and give your business to companies that don't fully support the second amendment but if you can serve gun owners and help more people get education, training, and qualify firearm-related products by advertising on Facebook I would say you aren't just supporting Facebook as a business; you are also leveraging Facebook as a business to help out the gun community.

It is also worth noting that Facebook's ad policies are pretty comparable to most other large service websites and publishers. If you can't abide by Facebook rules you won't be advertising on any major online website or publishing platform. That is a business decision you get to make.

My Suggestions To Any Firearm Industry Company Relating to Facebook Advertising:

  1. If you sell ammo, guns, knives, pepper spray, or anything else explicitly against the Facebook policy but want to run ads on Facebook I would set up a separate website/URL for the sale of the products that are not against the Facebook policy that you want to advertise. This will reduce drama with Facebook when their moderators click through on your ads to your site and DON'T see prohibited items for sale.
  2. I would be cautious about imagery. If you can sell your product without a picture of a gun I would do that or test that first. If you do need to include the image of the gun in the advertising image I suggest you make it a small part of the overall image. If the gun stands out as the main object in the picture you will have much less success with passing the moderators.
  3. Facebook has an option where your ad account can get certified to run “Political Advertising.” I would go through that certification process. During an election season, Facebook moderators often see ads relating to firearms as a political topic and will reject your ads because you are not certified to run political advertising. Getting that done proactively will save you energy and frustration later.
  4. Create a new page on your website called “Weapons Policy.” On that page write up a paragraph or two about how your company does NOT sell weapons. Specify that you do not sell any of the items on the Facebook naughty list. Add a link to your Weapons Policy in the footer of your site along with your privacy policy and other similar links. We made this change in 2016 and include the link to this page in every appeal we make. I've seen several other companies steal that idea and I'm confident it has had a significant positive impact on our approval percentage.
  5. Where possible avoid the terms gun, pistol, and firearm. Even though this shouldn't have an impact in determining if your ad is compliant or not we saw a large reduction in denials when we substituted those words with semi-automatic or just left those words out entirely.


  1. Ken on June 2, 2021 at 5:28 am

    Excellent info! Your guidance is a big help for my wife’s new firearms training for women business.

    BTW, either your Subscribe Captcha is broken or it’s the toughest on the planet. I’ve tried multiple times and failed. Tried entering the spaces and not entering spaces. Triple checked the characters for accuracy. Finally gave up after about 10-12 tries. I’d really like to follow your posts so perhaps a manual add to your list?

    • Jacob Paulsen on June 8, 2021 at 3:36 pm

      Thanks Ken. I think I have resolved the issue with the email sign-up.

  2. Marty on March 14, 2024 at 7:43 pm

    How is gun manufacturers able to advertise their firearms on Facebook? Colt, S& W, Glock, Sig Sauer, and more. I have tons of those image from manufacturers I follow and or not follow popping up constantly. Please help me understand.

    • Jacob Paulsen on March 26, 2024 at 4:56 pm

      Are you sure you are seeing advertising? Sounds like you are most likely just seeing posts. There is no policy preventing those companies from posting to their own page. It can end up in your feed a number of ways regardless if you like their page or not.

  3. David Brown on March 28, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    I run a small small gun shop, 80% of sales were on facebook. I had my page set to 21 and over only. I would share a link from my website and still got banned. What do you recommend? I follow all state laws, I tried just posting pictures of guns with no words describing it, still
    Hit me. Yet I see browning, Glock ext .. posting pictures of guns and pricing them out. What do I need to do

    • Jacob Paulsen on May 2, 2024 at 7:30 pm

      Any link to any website where a gun can be sold is against their terms. If you were publishing images only, without any links then that should have been allowed and I would appeal the decision. I’ve had a lot of success with appealing.

      • Richie on July 7, 2024 at 3:20 pm

        I own a gun shop and have been hit with violations for a while now. I would appeal each and every one but the last 3, they are denying the appeal and keeping the post down. Now my page is in jeopardy of being shut down.

        • Jacob Paulsen on July 14, 2024 at 2:58 pm

          You can’t post anything about selling or offering for sale guns or ammo. So if you are doing that you are in violation of their terms.

          • Tim on July 24, 2024 at 5:32 am

            What about gunsmithing? I was on line last night for the first time in a long time because I get so mad about this, I get red flagged, Only showing work being done on parts like polishing, Jeweling, Cerakoting and so on and never picture an assembled firearm and still get taken down but the gun shop 2 counties over is getting to advertise and grow their business. It needs to be said too that we both have identical FFL for manufacturing. I only work on firearms and do not sell but he also sells them, What am I doing wrong? I feel like its discrimination and I am lost —- Could you send replay to my email, Have no idea how I ran across this sight and I might not be able to find it again.

          • Jacob Paulsen on August 4, 2024 at 7:18 pm

            This often comes down to moderators. They are not great at consistent enforcement.

          • Lindsay on July 29, 2024 at 8:21 pm

            It says in their community standards that you can advertise gun sales if you are a brick and mortar. Any idea how to prove that we are? I am currently restricted because I posted an image. We are a new business and need to be able to advertise to reach the masses.

    • Susan Shub on August 21, 2024 at 1:01 pm

      Hi – did you get a response on this ? I have a FFL and run a small business and keep having problems, I have tried only pictures …I have mentioned my FFL and still gets banned and put in FB Jail. Any info I appreciate. Thanks

      • Jacob Paulsen on August 21, 2024 at 2:11 pm

        Susan and David, long story short if you sell guns on your site you can’t post links to your site on Facebook. It is against their terms. One possibility or suggestion would be to create a second website for your business that doesn’t have any online shopping. No checkout. List that on your FB page and only link to it. That should reduce the problems and you should win appeals if you get push back.

  4. Jess on July 13, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    I am in digital marketing/content creator for 4 local pawn shops. When I try to post about firearms or ammo, the account gets restricted. I’m not even running ads. Is it because it’s a personal account that is running the Facebook pages? Is there a different kind of page Inneed to have to post firearms? They are all brick and mortar stores.

    • Jacob Paulsen on July 14, 2024 at 2:57 pm

      You can’t post anything about selling or offering for sale guns or ammo.

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