What Inspires Us to be Heroes?

I suppose that I’m only normal if I find some of my very greatest inspiration in movies, literature, and art. Well maybe I’m a little more nuts than most because I consciously think about these things and the themes and lessons that are being taught. I suspect sometimes that I’m even finding hidden meanings where…

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7 Ways to Protect Yourself Using Only Your Cell Phone

considering ways that a person’s cell phone can be utilized in personal security. I’m not referring to the stun gun cell phones or other fake phone weapons on the market. I’m talking about the thousands of Americans walking around with Blackberrys, iPhones, Google Phones, etc who need to eliminate risk of becoming a victim of a

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Top Ten Personal Safety Tips That Will Save Your Life

We live in an unsafe world. While many of my friends and family may think I’m paranoid, I prefer to think that I’m just more aware. I have prepared 10 basic safety tips worthy of both Tim Ferris and Jason Bourne. The first five are among the very best of the traditional safety tips you have heard in the past. The last five are equally important but perhaps a little more extreme for those of us who like being really prepared.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Recruiters

You are probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s best seller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The principles taught in that book are powerful and true. Today I am going to use his basic outline of habits to teach you how to be an effective recruiter in your business. These simple principle based steps can take you from the bottom ranks of your company to the very top if you will study and apply them in sequencial order.

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Do you know where Nike came from?

I know this might come as a shock but Nike was not born to give Micheal Jordan something to wear. Nike was born to fit the shoe of running legend Steve Prefontaine. Running sports have never had a large following perhaps because they just aren’t as much fun to watch or because they tend to…

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