Networking Revolution:: Stop Chasing the Chasers

The automatic assumption is that people building a network marketing business should seek out people on Facebook and Twitter who are talking about, or already participating in Network Marketing. This is usually done by searching for keywords such as MLM, home based business, opportunity, etc. THIS IS A POOR STRATEGY!

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Internet Marketing Methods Are Only Good For As Long As They Are…

This approach was effective because it was the last thing that any customer actually expected too come from my mouth. Now as my experience in Internet Marketing is evolving I am starting to recognize the dying techniques that people are using. Don’t get me wrong, there are techniques in use right now that are still bringing in new people but they are dying out. Its time for the online sales process to evolve and I am looking for

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Filtering Through Facebook:: Social Media Video Tutorial

If you are anything like most of those users you might spend a good number of those 19 average minutes looking through the vampire quizzes, virtual zoos, and other complete nonsense that you don’t care about. You might also get sick of all the emails you receive every time you get poked or somebody you don’t know comments on your friend’s status that you “liked.”

This tutorial video will show you how to navigate Facebook, filtering out the junk you don’t care…

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Social Bookmarking Syndication:: Onlywire

Don’t you grow tired of the time you spend trying to syndicate a good blog post or article? You could spend 15 minutes submitting a link to Digg, Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc. For some time I have been looking for a service that would allow me to submit a link to all of these Social Bookmarking sites at once. Imagine the time that you would save. FINALLY we have a Social Bookmarking syndicator. has come along just to end my nightmares! OnlyWire offers both

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How Business Growth Works – The Plateau Principle

Sometimes the most frustrating thing for an entrepreneur can be stagnant results over a period of hard and consistent work. That is why its important for all people to understand the Plateau Principle and how it works in every aspect of your life. The principle put simple is, “All growth happens in

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Finding a Niche:: Internet Marketing

As you begin your work in internet marketing you will start hearing the word “niche” a lot. A niche is a specific topic or area of discussion which tends to be unique and of interest to your market. Finding a good niche in our current condition is very difficult. There are far too many people…

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10 Ways to Guarantee I Stop Following You On Twitter

If I am currently following you on Twitter and you are looking for a way to get me to stop here are some suggestions:

1. Send me a DM (Direct Message) inviting me to join your ninja dojo or mafia family. This is so annoying and unprofessional that it will always cause me to unfollow you and then delete the DM.
2. Have a Twitter profile picture of a man or women with little to no clothing on. I assume people who feel the need to have mostly naked women on their profile are either promoting a business or product that is pornographic in nature or t…

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Twitter – Which Comes First the Influence or Interaction?

So I’ve been having this conversation with other Internet Marketing buddies. When it comes to twitter its important to start a conversation and interact with people in a genuine and sincere way but what about just the general effort to get twitter followers? It seems that people judge your credibility based on the number of…

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The Big 3. Social Media Marketing Holy Trio

The basic concept of social networking and online marketing is the same as traditional offline marketing. Meet people, build trust, and expose them to your product/opportunity. The reason the internet is getting so much attention is because of the ability to meet so many people at once. Building credibility is made a little more difficult…

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