The Three Cs of Internet Marketing

That is why I now always talk about the three Cs of Internet Marketing. This gives me a framework around which I can organize my thoughts and in which the clients can better understand the complete strategy and action points. The three Cs are in a certain chronological order and need to be addressed accordingly. Strategies revolve around these three points and always in this order.

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The 3 Ways Websites and Blogs Make Money

If you recently started a blog or have a website you may be looking for creative ways to generate revenue. As I considered all the various ways to generate revenue online I was able to boil it down to just three generic methods. As you review the concepts and some of the specific examples, consider how

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Top Ten Most Influential Retailers According to Klout

Klout recently published a list of the top 10 most influential retailers this holiday season. Consider that in order to be influential these retailers must engage customers in conversation. I imagine that this is a significant customer service channel for most of these businesses but its also a revenue generator.

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GOMO: A New Mobile Initiative From Google

Google has launched to help users understand the key components in launching a mobile website. There is a lot of helpful resources you can read to help you understand why and how you can go mobile. My favorite feature is the mobile simulator. Unless you

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Google Webmaster Tools & XML Sitemaps Tutorial

When you first build a site you need to submit it to Google so that it can be indexed. Google can more easily index your site if you have a sitemap. Since the recording of this video several years ago, Google has created a robust and helpful dashboard of tools called Google Webmaster Tools. Check it out.

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Apture Aquired by Google Chrome

You have probably had some engagement with Apture without ever noticing it. Apture was a system designed to give sure users more information about keywords or links in a popup window. This served to help the user get the

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Driving More Traffic with Tweet Old Post WordPress Plugin

As you develop a strong list of Twitter followers it becomes necessary to consistently put information in front of those people to keep them engaged. People do not read every single tweet in their news feed so you have to push out content to your followers at different times of day on an ongoing consistent…

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