This RSS Trick Supports SEO Strategy and Sharing

By Jacob Paulsen | September 16, 2014

Online marketers are taking and re-purposing your content. Did you know that? Have you see the tweets that say “The ____ daily is out” and tag you or a small number of other users?

How Do You Get A Klout Score of 60 and Why Do You Care?

By Jacob Paulsen | September 9, 2014

They give every online user a score between 1 and 100 and connect marketers and brands with users that are influential in the topics most important to the brand. Since their launch there have been some competitors that have come into the space as well.

The Marketer's Ultimate Guide to RSS

By Jacob Paulsen | September 2, 2014

Essentially RSS is the technology or format in which EVERY news site and EVERY blog publishes their content. You've see the cool orange icon that looks like a wifi symbol on it's side all over the internet and now you know what it is for.

Marketing: What Job Is Your Product Being Hired To Do

By Jacob Paulsen | August 26, 2014

When working on product development, and then when marketing a product, ask yourself, “What job will my customer hire my product to do?” In addition to looking at this from the marketing and business angle I also want to address how this applies to relationships and personal development.

ROI Is An Equation Not A Theory

By Jacob Paulsen | August 7, 2014

As marketing channels become diverse and difficult to track, the business world is screaming for transparency, reporting, and return on investment. All to often us digital marketing folk have to go into meetings with…

Personalization – Coca Cola Increases Sales by 30%

By Jacob Paulsen | August 1, 2014

Sound silly? I had a meeting last week with the local distributor of Coca Cola in my state and their marketing department told me sales are up 30%. WHAT???? Any brand would do darn near anything legal to get a 30% increase in sales

SEO Rank Reporter WordPress Plugin Review

By Jacob Paulsen | June 6, 2014

SEO Rank Reporter allows the user to input as many phrases and keyword queries as desired to track how any given URL ranks on Google for that query. The plugin refreshes data every…

Utility Marketing Best in Show

By Jacob Paulsen | March 26, 2014

While none of these utility marketing initiatives directly put revenue in the company they all make the brand (and by extension the product or service) more valuable and more relevant. If you are one of those people who hates the term “Building a Relationship” when referring to the advertiser / consumer transaction then you haven't fully understood Utility Marketing.

Everyone is a Publisher – 3 Tips to Stand Out

By Jacob Paulsen | March 5, 2014

To stand out among the clutter one has to produce content that is FAR more valuable to one's audience than everyone else. That could be entertaining, educational, informative, or whatever your audience craves.

Content Strategy Magic Question

By Jacob Paulsen | December 13, 2013

I call it the magic question because it puts everything else into perspective. When I talk to advertisers and business owners who are trying to build an online audience around their brand, product, or events the conversation almost always come back to content. Content is at the core of the three Cs of internet marketing and without it no amount of great paid ads, SEO, or awesome products has any legs.

Trying to Explain Twitter to People Who Don't Understand It

By Jacob Paulsen | October 8, 2013

I often hear from people about how much they love Facebook but hate Twitter. Or perhaps the most common way I hear it is “I just don't understand Twitter.” Here I'm going to attempt to outline some of the key differences and advantages of Twitter comparing it to Facebook.

Wordpress blog tutorial

Rules For Successful Blog Posting on WordPress

By Jacob Paulsen | September 27, 2013

Learn the most critical rules to posting blogs in WordPress that will drive traffic and encourage search engines to love your site.