On Fire At Work by Eric Chester

All leaders and managers need to read Eric Chester's new book, “On Fire at Work” a great look at how to engage people to help them grow and flourish while bringing their best to work every day.

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Three WordPress SEO Tricks You Are Likely Neglecting

You have a WordPress based website and you pride yourself on knowing the SEO basics but are you forgetting to do a few simple things that could make a big difference? Three Simple WordPress SEO Suggestions: 1: Category descriptions Visit the Categories sub-menu under the Posts menu. Does it look like this? Its time to…

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WooCommerce Plugin – Product Specific Thank You Page

This plugin for WordPress and extension for WooCommerce allows the admin to designate a custom thank you page. When a custom thank you page has been set for a product, upon checkout the customer will see the order completed page for only a few seconds and then will be forwarded to the designated page.

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How To Make Your Blog Post Good Enough for Wikipedia

Instead of trying to game the system and start adding your links to Wikipedia pages (which is against their policy) you might go to the harder effort, but far more valuable process of just creating awesome content that is likely to get Wikipedia love.

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Becoming a Wikipedia Editor and Contributor

Anyone can contribute to the content on Wikipedia. Marketers have a particular interest in the site since a relevant backlink to one's site from Wikipedia can be very valuable. Naturally then it would make sense for any web marketer to become familiar with Wikipedia and where possible try to leverage it (within the Wikipdia guidelines) as a tool to drive awareness and traffic.

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New WordPress Plugin – Extract Email Addresses from Text

Just a quick note to our readers to announce the availability of a new custom WordPress plugin we recently developed. While fairly niche, we have found so far that there are some email marketers out there who have expressed interest.

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jacob paulsen denver

Business to Business Online Marketing Tactics

Recently I presented a training at a local Chamber of Commerce for business leaders about how to correctly engage in business to business marketing online. Here are the ten core tips or tactics that I shared.

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Savvy Business and High Level Performance Reading Curriculum

On occasion I do run into people who ask more broadly for a book list that I would recommend. I have developed this book list for individuals who I am mentoring and I thought it would be appropriate to share it here

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5 Ways to Increase Email Opens and Engagement

Today I'm going to share five simple and proven email marketing hacks to increase engagement and open rate. Skills of internet marketing are critical in any online strategy.

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