Making Voicemail a Tool of Productivity [Script]

I don't seem to get a ton of questions from friends or clients about how they should manage voicemail until they call me and hear my voicemail greetings. Voicemail is one more inbox that has to be managed in the scope of our productivity. In this article I'm going to share my feelings about how…

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USA Today Interview About Supposed Interstate Shootings

Interview for about reported shootings along Interstate 25

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Next Door Social Network Brings You Closer to Neighbors

Next Door is a social network that connects you with others in your neighborhood. When you open the app for the first time you need to input your address so it can identify the neighborhood to which you belong.

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Online Money Machine Experiment Documented

Online marketing is about building machines in which you can put in money on one side of the machine and more money comes out on the other side of the machine. These machines, often referred to as Funnels vary from very complex to very simple.

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Guide to Outsourcing Stuff Worth Less than My Time

In my own view I still have a long way to go but recently a friend commented on how much he appreciated my success in outsourcing and wished he could get started. I write this article for anyone who wants to explore this but isn't sure where to start.

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The Son of Man Hath Descended Below Them All – Peace On Earth

30 days later, Henry found himself trying to nurse his son back to health, in the middle of the worst American conflict in all our history. His wife dead, his oldest child barely alive, and the world around him crumbling. In that day, Christmas 1863 he sat down and

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Unlocking Potential by Michael Simpson

The book reviews 7 key coaching skills that make for an effective leader/coach. I think each of the 7 skills could be lengthy books by themselves but as an overview

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The Road to Reinvention by Josh Linkner

One of my favorite insights was the need to reinvent processes. Sometimes we get stuck assuming that innovation and reinvention need to happen in our product line and development. Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs happen when we take a bigger look at the way we do something and reinvent the process. Organizations need to stop doing things the way they have always been done.

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Should You Buy Email Lists For Marketing?

Email marketing leads to big ROIs because its relatively cheap to execute and is very easy to measure. Sadly, it is also difficult to get started as most of us start with few if any contacts in our email marketing subscriber lists. The temptation to buy an email list is very high. This is especially true in the B2B space where many marketers feel like it would be impossible to construct a list on their own.

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