Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet

This book is full of simple and clear insights that work together to help anyone create a “leader/leader” culture. The author tells the story of his own experience as a captain in the US Navy and uses his experience to illustrate how to transform an organization that is used to top down command type leadership into…

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Value Is King – New Marketing Reality

The big brands have known this for some time and they are working hard to become integrated into lifestyles of their consumers by putting resources behind non-sales related utility and value.

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SEO Rank Reporter WordPress Plugin Review

SEO Rank Reporter allows the user to input as many phrases and keyword queries as desired to track how any given URL ranks on Google for that query. The plugin refreshes data every…

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Compelling People by Matthew Kohut and John Neffinger

This book is a unique and powerful look at real science and research to determine the various factors that influence others. The book is broken into two parts. First is “The Hand You Were Dealt” and this section deals with some of the research based facts that surround being a certain gender, ethnicity, have certain…

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Utility Marketing Best in Show

While none of these utility marketing initiatives directly put revenue in the company they all make the brand (and by extension the product or service) more valuable and more relevant. If you are one of those people who hates the term “Building a Relationship” when referring to the advertiser / consumer transaction then you haven't fully understood Utility Marketing.

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Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

One of the key things I took from this is how leaders have to essentially care for the people in their ranks the same way a parent cares for their children.

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Everyone is a Publisher – 3 Tips to Stand Out

To stand out among the clutter one has to produce content that is FAR more valuable to one's audience than everyone else. That could be entertaining, educational, informative, or whatever your audience craves.

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The Behavior Gap by Carl Richards

Carl teaches that we all are motivated by fear and greed. Most of us are motivated by both but generally lean toward one or the other. This is why so many financial planners have their clients take some sort of test to judge their tolerance of risk.

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Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

One of the biggest lessons for me were Mitch's thoughts about Utility Marketing. Digital media has forced companies to figure out how they can stop broadcasting messages and advertising and start creating more value to their customers. By becoming useful we create a relationship with the consumer.

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