Audible Could Be Your Best Tool This Year

You can listen to your audio books on your phone, tablet, computer, or you can burn the book onto audio cds and listen to them in your car's CD player. When you pause the book Audible syncs your position in the cloud so that when you pick back up on any of your devices you start right where you left off.

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Hunger Games Trilogy Book Review

For me, this is above all else a story about the nature of humanity, the human need for power, and the individual struggle of discovery one's identity, deeper purpose and place in the games of life. The story is different from many of the traditionally popular literary epics that tell a story of Good VS Evil

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Strategies Tools and Systems – An Overview

One the biggest hangups that appears to hold people back from hitting goals and achieving success is the confusion that surrounds strategies, tools, and systems. People tend to only focus on one of these three when they plot out a new goal or idea. I think the best way to explain my thoughts is to give some examples. Here we go.

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Content Strategy Magic Question

I call it the magic question because it puts everything else into perspective. When I talk to advertisers and business owners who are trying to build an online audience around their brand, product, or events the conversation almost always come back to content. Content is at the core of the three Cs of internet marketing and without it no amount of great paid ads, SEO, or awesome products has any legs.

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I Dare You to OWN UP

Own that belief. Bury deep in your system the belief that being publicly accountable will make you free and will empower your to grow and develop into something much greater. Liberty awaits those who are willing to stand up and own up to their actions. Unlock the producer inside of you.

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The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

The premise of The ONE Thing is that at any given point in time, there is only one thing that you should focus on doing. Your one thing is the thing that moves you the closest or the fastest toward your goal.

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Run Your Business Like a Family and Run Your Family Like a Business

I think American homes struggle from a lack of leadership and structure and American businesses struggle from a lack of compassion people oriented perspectives. In short I think we can benefit by centering ourselves in the middle and then living our life in whole instead of in pieces. Here are some principles we can apply.

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The Two Secrets of To-Do List Productivity

They seem to work for some people and not for others. I believe they don't work for some people because their personalities are just not organized that way. However, for the majority of people who feel that to-do lists just don't work for them I suspect the problem is that nobody ever taught them how to use a to-do list properly.

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Teambuilding: The Roles and Goals Exercise

When I meet with groups or teams one of my favorite exercises to use is what I call “Roles and Goals.” Adapted from the original outline in Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, the exercise helps participants connect with their deeper purpose while showing them how to…

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