Global Content Blocks: Embedding HTML, Iframes, PHP, or Scripts into WordPress

discussing issues with embedding advanced code into WordPress pages and posts. Have you ever copied a string of code from another site or tool and tried to paste it into the “text” editor of your WordPress page or post only to find that it refused to render correctly on the front end?

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Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Sinek's book operates under the premise that everything that a person or organization does should emulate the why. Specifically, why they do it. The book is full of examples of great companies that started with a clear vision of why they were in business and eventually lost their why. Everything suggests…

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404 Errors: SEO Impacts and How to Fix Them

After discussing what 404 errors are and how they impact your website, you might be wondering how this impacts your online marketing efforts. How do Google and Bing treat 404 errors on your site? What if somebody shares a broken link from your website on Facebook, Twitter, or another social network? More importantly, what can you do to avoid those negative impacts?s

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Understanding 404 Errors On The Web 101

If you run a website, you are probably wondering what this means for you. Because visitors can encounter 404 errors on any site, some of your visitors are probably encountering 404 errors on your site. The more visitors you have and the more pages you have, the better the chances of your visitors encountering 404 errors on your site.

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Eliminating the Common Cold From Life

The year is half over and so far I haven't been sick once. I don't know if I can maintain this perfect streak through the rest of the year but I intend to. The environment hasn't changed much, I still live in the same place and my children still bring germs home and spread them. I didn't even exercise much more than before

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July 4th Flag Raising Ceremony at the Paulsen Home

This was a somber occasion as we all shared in giving honor to the greatest symbol of our country. My wonderful wife prepared muffins and other snacks for all those who came. We are very grateful to all those who took time out of their holiday to spend a little time with our family.

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And This Be Our Motto: “In God Is Our Trust.”

Today when it seems like there is more division that unity among our people we must stay united in the belief of the “American Experiment.” We must all unite behind the symbols and actions that are the core of this rhetoric. Only together can we keep the dream that has become America alive and breathing.

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Craving by Dr. Omar Manejwala

I like the balance in the book between science and self-help. The author makes it clear that cravings are a part of life regardless if you suffer from some of the more common addictions like smoking or drinking or maybe chocolate or internet use.

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New Dad Focused Blog Added to JP2 Blog Network

“In a society where family values are more corruptible and families play a more important role than ever; we are leveraging our resources and business model to make a difference,” says Jacob S Paulsen owner of…

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