When Was The Last Time You Unplugged

You need to channel focus and energy in order to be truly productive. If you have built up a life of distractions around you, you can hardly expect to find yourself in consistent modes of high level effectiveness.

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Reputation Mangement: Quick Look at Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a no cost service that searches the ongoing Google index of the web for a preset list of your designated keywords or phrases. This is particularly effective at searching on blogs and news sites. The service is not perfect and the more remote the site where your keywords or phrases are used the less…

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What Does Mother Nature Remind You Of?

On Sunday's I'm particularly likely to spend a few extra minutes staring into the field with hopeful eyes. When I see the wonders of mother nature I'm turned to think of our creator and the serenity and brilliance of all of the creatures on earth. Perhaps that is why on Sunday I get extra excited to view our dear coyotes.

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How to Setup A Home Video Surveillance System Without Monthly Fees

In the first weeks of 2012 I added to my list of family goals for us to setup a home video surveillance system. Our family is very security minded and this was something we wanted to implement without signing a long term contract with a monitoring company.

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How to Set S-M-A-R-T Goals

As you are considering goals and resolutions it is important to keep a few simple guidelines in mind. I like to refer to the acronym SMART when making goals.

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Blog Monetization With Kindle Publishing For Blogs

One way to generate some supplemental revenue with your blog is to publish it with Amazon Kindle. In addition to creating another stream of income it will also add some additional convenience for your subscribers who own a kindle.

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The Power of Snail Mail and Thank You Cards

In the last three weeks I've received three thank you cards. I think of this as a lost art. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday I think its worth asking yourself, when was the last time you sent or received a thank you card? All of us want to feel special.

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All It Takes is 20 Seconds of Insane Courage

Fear is paralyzing. Fear has this amazing tendency to prevent us from finding joy and self-fulfillment. Fear, which I believe to be the opposite of faith, is a tool used by all those forces (seen and unseen) that want you to be miserable.

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Books Make A Difference – 12 Books Group

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