I have been working hard over the last 12 months to test and launch my very own email marketing product to compete with the iContacts and Constant Contacts of the web. Now after much testing, investment, and feedback I'm excited to share with

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My Greatest Teacher of All Time, Stephen R. Covey Passes Away

It took me about 5 months to read the book because I decided to really understand the content. I went through it with a highlighter (something I never did with a textbook) and it profoundly impacted me. It crafted, among other things, a vocabulary and context in which I could learn and practice fundamental principles that I had always

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Robert Shemin's How Come That Idiots Rich and I'm Not?

Robert talks about the 3 pillars of wealth. After spending the first half of the book re-educating the reader on his/her perception of “rich,” Shemin discusses the best practices in acquiring and building the three pillars. They are, Real Estate, Stocks, and Business.

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Top Ten Lists for Independence Day 2012

July 4th if my very favorite holiday of the year. I'm exceedingly grateful for our country and the independence that makes things possible. This year instead of gracing my blog readers with another sentimental oration about our founding fathers I thought I would provide you with my top tens for July 4th.

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The Art of Split Testing: Online Marketing Strategies

Split testing is the basic process of trying two very similar things to see which is more effective. With Internet marketing this could be two banner ads, landing pages, email scripts, or subject lines. Split testing is a good thing to try whenever you are trying to determine the most effective copy, image, or headline for…

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Hootsuite Removes Integration But Adds Many Others

If you aren't familiar with Hootsuite, you really need to check it out. Hootsuite is a social media client management software. It allows you to monitor, leverage, and publish to your various social media profiles. Over time Hootsuite and left most of its competitors in the dust as their product has become more polished and user friendly.

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Pinterest Making A Splash

If you don't know what all the hype is about I suggest just going and setting up an account. Essentially users “pin” content from around the web to their Pinterest “boards.” Boards are collections of content that you want to share with the world. When content is pinned to Pinterest it is displayed

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Book Review: The Zigzag Principle by Rich Christiansen

I admit that when I first read the title I was a little confused. I love anything to do with entrepreneurship despite my rather poor track record thus far. The reason I was so excited to read this book is because the author has just an established track record in starting successful companies. Rich has lauched over 30 companies with less than

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5 Places to Get Blog Ideas and Content – No More Excuses

Do you sometimes feel dried up when it comes to finding new things to blog about? I have found that when it comes to writing, sometimes the juices just don't want to flow. Outside of reading a great book called “Finding Your Flow” back in January I have often found that the following strategies are a good way to drum up some ideas and content.

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