My Personal Management and Organization System

I use Gmail's priority inbox which creates three sections of content: Important and Unread, Starred, and Everything else. About 4 times per day (or more often if I have dead time or transit time) I process incoming mail. Processing incoming mail consists of

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Survey: Webinar Experience and Lessons Learned

Like all of our surveys, we will be publishing the results for the benefit of everyone on our Survey Email List. At the end of this 5 question survey about Webinars, you will also have the opportunity to sign up to receive our survey results.

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3 Other Great Places to Buy PPC Advertising

Are you tired of Google Adwords yet? I'm as big a fan of buying ads from Google as the next guy but sometimes you need to try new things. There are some great other sites out there where I think you will find its really easy to target your customers.

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Sponsored Tweets Setup Tutorial Video

I wrote an article a few months ago about this great program for generating some extra revenue from Twitter. If you prefer written directions I would go back to

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The Three Cs of Internet Marketing

That is why I now always talk about the three Cs of Internet Marketing. This gives me a framework around which I can organize my thoughts and in which the clients can better understand the complete strategy and action points. The three Cs are in a certain chronological order and need to be addressed accordingly. Strategies revolve around these three points and always in this order.

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Denver Biz Journal – 12 Books Coverage

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Quoted about Alan Fine's Involvement in 12 Books

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Creating an Inbox for My Mind

Specifically, stress is often generated when we are constantly remembering everything we need to do. These “open loops” are constantly coming to mind because our mental system is also concerned that we may forget. If we have an effective system, that we believe in, where we can

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Real Life Examples of Great Customer Service

In 2006 I read Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service and it changed forever the way I think of quality customer service. I've been reflecting recently on some real life examples of customer service. Here they are:

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