Building A Custom Twitter Background With Adobe Photoshop

With the recent changes to the Twitter platform, it has become more difficult to build a custom Twitter background. The background area of Twitter is not completely fixed. The amount of space that you have to design around the twitter frame varies based on the screen size / resolution of the computer screen that the…

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Google Plus Making a Big Splash… Will you Plus One this Blog Post?

Google Plus has arrived in a big way. You might have noticed the little +1 buttons in your Google search results for the last few weeks but nobody really had much of an idea what it was about until now. In a nutshell Google Plus is another attempt by Google at launching a usable social…

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SEO: 301 Redirect Non-www to www for Your WordPress Site

One of the biggest problems that online marketers have when trying to optimize their websites is in building online reputation and recognition across the internet. What many don’t understand is that and are, in the eyes of the search engines, two different websites. The last thing you want to do is split all…

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New WordPress Automated SEO Plugin

SEO is at the top of every person’s mind because what is the point of having a website if nobody ever sees it. Since SEO can be a very complicated effort, we are all looking for tools to help facilitate and automate the processes. SEOPressor is one of those tools. SEOPressor SEO WordPress Plugin This…

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Sponsored Tweets: Make Money With Your Twitter Posts Tutorial

The idea of making money on Twitter isn’t a new one. I believe that the greatest way to “make money” on Twitter is to engage a large audience of interested followers and provide them with high quality content. It is difficult to put a price on a loyal following but its also a good idea…

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Loving Denver Colorado

We love it here. Ami and I have circled the Rocky Mountains to finally land in Colorado and I think we hit the jack pot. I remember how I used to refer to some of the previous places where we lived by saying “It has everything we need.” Well in referring to Denver I would…

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Alexa: Website Information Source & SEO Tool

Alexa was founded in 1996 as the web’s premier information source for websites. The data is gathered by anonymous web users around the world that use the Alexa toolbar. Millions of users now have the toolbar installed on their browser and Alexa has become one of the world’s largest crawlers of the web. You can also download…

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Launching Your Online Marketing Plan: Basics Summary

Are you trying to get started with a website, blog, or lead generation page? Are you trying to sort through all of the different software programs available for email marketing, blogging, managing social media, and webcasting? Here is my simple walk through: Start With Hosting If you are going to manage an online presence you…

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A Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing

Email marketing is in the most basic form simplistic. Build a list and send stuff to it with both educational and promotional information. As a business owner or internet marketing professional you should consider gathering email addresses among your very top priorities. In fact, its hard for me these days to think of a profession…

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