First Time Boating

So yeah this isn’t a great picture but yesterday was my first time ever in a boat that was in the water. I know this is a little embarrassing at age 25 but I had a great time. Ami and I live about 3 minutes from Utah lake so I suppose this was bound to…

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Worthless Posts

So I've noticed that when I blog about something serious or thoughtful I don’t get any comments. I’m not upset or anything, I’m just starting to notice the pattern. So today I’m going to write something less complex. I was reading a book last week called “Good to Great” and it tells you to decide what you…

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You Must Become More to Get More!

Ultimately you must become more if you want to earn more. In the insurance industry there is a term called “Human Life Value.” It seems almost wrong that anyone can assign an actual dollar value to our lives but this is necessary in when determining what kind of life insurance policies you can buy. For purposes of this article…

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Dark Knight Inspired Thoughts

On Friday of last week Ami and I went to see the newest Batman movie, Dark Knight. To read my movie review please visit my Flixster profile. The point of this post however is not to talk about the movie but the thoughts it inspired in me. When I was young I watched heroic movies…

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Our Loyal Companion

July is always a difficult month for Holly. Both July 4th and 24th are holidays where people can shoot off fireworks. Fireworks along with other load noises scare Holly really bad and she shakes and has to be right next to us. She isn't actually allowed upstairs where the bedrooms are but about 12 or…

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Pioneer Day 5K Classic

Yesterday Ami and I both ran in the Provo Pioneer Day 5K Classic. About a month 1/2 ago I had the idea to run a 5K for the first time in almost 8 years. I figured that I could use it for a business opportunity to share the Agel Gel Supplements that I market and…

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Recent Reads

Recent Reads In the last month I have been able to read (actually listen) several new books that I have enjoyed. I wanted to take this post to talk a little about each of these recent reads. “His Excelency George Washington” really blew me away. I always knew George Washington had to be a powerful and unique person…

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Park City Concerts are Sweet!

Recently my security company picked up a contract for 7 concerts in Park City at the Deer Valley Ski resort. This is one of the reasons I haven't blogged in awhile. We have had to hire about 30 new people in the last two weeks and purchase a lot of equipment etc. If anyone wants…

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Daddy/Son Time

Each day Simon & I get 1 hour of special Daddy & Son time. It started out because Ami needed an hour in the mornings to work out each day and since I work from home I'm the obvious baby sitter. It isn't asking much since Ami watches Simon the rest of the day. I…

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