Top Ten Twitter Tricks: How I Got 12,000 Followers

Currently my Twitter account has 11,909 and its growing everyday. You will also notice that I have only had to follow 5,700ish people in return. I got to this point by utilizing automated Twitter software to grow the list and other tools to engage them. Today I want to share my top 10 Twitter tricks and the tools I’ve used to manage them. I use the word “tricks” not because my intent is to deceive any of my social following. Mostly it made for really good alliteration

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Various Internet Marketing Mediums for Small Businesses

Over the course of 2010 I have met with thousands of small business advertisers to discuss their internet advertising campaigns. Consistently I have found that most small business owners do not have the resources to hire a dedicated in house expert to run their internet advertising. This results in one of 3 scenarios: The business…

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