Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Decision Making

“Sometimes making a decision is more important than making the best decision.” Harry Potter is a very decisive person. When confronted with decisions he certainly doesn’t always make the best one but I would argue that by making one right away vs weighing it out in his mind for too long he tends to come…

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: Choices Define Us

“It is our choices Harry, that define who we are; not our abilities.” -Albus Dumbledore Our society is a place of constant victomhood where people blame their failures on their own circumstances. If I had been born in a different place or to a wealthy family then my life would be different. If I was…

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1/2 Marathon. Goal Completed!

Back in March of this year I publicly declared my goal to run in a 1/2 marathon at the end of the summer. I registered for a race on August 8th and have been training all summer. I had some good stretches of training and some times where I was less faithful. Every single time…

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Harry Potter on Personal Development:: What We Fear

Lesson 1: “Well, well . . . I’m impressed. That suggests what you fear most of all is — fear. Very wise, Harry.” -Professor Lupin
The above quote comes from book 3 in the series and has had me thinking all day. Most people set there fears on specific things such as spiders, heights, water, death, and even commitment.

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Classic Ironies of Success

Sometimes we keep ourselves from ever achieving success because we forget the principles that govern that very goal. Here is a reminder: Only by focusing on serving others can you obtain any success. Most people wake up in the morning and wonder how they can get more from the world. The irony is in the…

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Anthony Robbins & Deepak Chopra in Person…

The first weekend of June I had a unique opportunity to do some executive protection work (bodyguard) for some well known people visiting Salt Lake City for a convention. Many of you may not know that while I’m an internet marketer and a network marketer, by trade I’m a security professional.

While I of course don’t mean to promote Zrii in this post I do want to share some insights that I learned from these great speakers and people both on stage and backstage.

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Why I’m Winning and You Are Failing…

Do you have goals? Of course you have goals, and so do I. Despite how public you make them or how often you think about them we all have goals. What separates people is the question of achieving those goals. Lets outline some of the principles that play the BIG roles in your success or failure at achieving your goals.

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Passion – Key to Attraction Marketing

If your likes and dislike are just that…. simple likes than you are unlikely to form new friendships or seek out others who share your likes. If however you have strong likes that become passions you are likely to find others and inspire them to be passionate also. This is the first key: Your own Passions will drive you to find other like-passioned people…

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Focus on You! Human Life Value

I am talking about what you are worth to yourself and to those around you. You can begin to calculate your own human life value the same way you would your financial portfolio. You too have income, expenses, assets, and liabilities that increase and decrease your human life value.

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