The Big 3. Social Media Marketing Holy Trio

The basic concept of social networking and online marketing is the same as traditional offline marketing. Meet people, build trust, and expose them to your product/opportunity. The reason the internet is getting so much attention is because of the ability to meet so many people at once. Building credibility is made a little more difficult…

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How To Master Social Media Principles in Less than 2 Pages!

I get a lot of phone calls from online friends who need assistance in setting up their websites and their social media profiles to begin working in internet marketing and social networking. Every once in awhile I think to myself that I should write a 2 page guide to “Online Domination Setup” which I could…

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The Next Big Wave in the Social Media Network

Of all the thousands of different social networking sites out there we can basically categorize them into several main categories such as Social News, Social Bookmarking, Picture sharing, Video sharing, Blogs, mini-blogs, Social Networks, etc. So far history has shown that the three most effective sites where Social Media experts are spending most of their…

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Social Media Summed Up

Internet Marketing is changing. With the buzz right now about social media and how it is changing our focus I wanted to give all of my readers an umbrella concept that will hopefully clarify what all of this means and how each of us should be acting to take advantage of these changes. PRINCIPLE 1:…

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The Social Media Revolution

Social Media is changing the world. No longer do people turn to traditional forms of media such as tv, newspapers, radio, etc for their news & information. The internet has made the world transparent and social media networks such as facebook, youtube, twitter, etc are changing the way people get their information. Business owners and…

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Social Media & Personal Branding Tools

My purpose in Social Media is quite simple. To establish meaningful relationships, brand myself as a marketing professional, and to make a profit. My greatest fear in all of this is the general amount of time I can waste in all the social media networks. So, my purpose in this article is to share with you the best tools that I have found to accomplish these; my three goals without wasting time.

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