How Can I Tell If Comments On My Site Are SPAM?

If you have a WordPress website you probably are bombarded with comments that you think are JUNK and other comments that you can’t help but wonder if they are legitimate or not. The following is designed to act as a guide and tutorial to help you better identify SPAM comments and prevent them from occurring in the first place.

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Driving More Traffic with Tweet Old Post WordPress Plugin

As you develop a strong list of Twitter followers it becomes necessary to consistently put information in front of those people to keep them engaged. People do not read every single tweet in their news feed so you have to push out content to your followers at different times of day on an ongoing consistent…

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New WordPress Automated SEO Plugin

SEO is at the top of every person’s mind because what is the point of having a website if nobody ever sees it. Since SEO can be a very complicated effort, we are all looking for tools to help facilitate and automate the processes. SEOPressor is one of those tools. SEOPressor SEO WordPress Plugin This…

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WordPress Themes: Where to Find and Edit Themes

Not all WordPress themes are created equal. Naturally themes can be edited but you can imagine that it is much to your advantage to spend time looking for a theme that is as close as possible to what you have in mind. The less changes you have to make the better. When you are logged into your dashboard you can…

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10 More Useful WordPress Plugins

A quick list of 10 effective and well tested Wordpress Plugins. Social & Viral sharing options, Video Player, Core menu control, twitter automation plugin, Mobile Friendly Sites, Polling, Shopping cart & e-commerce, & Ad rotation control

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