The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek – Book Review

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Great read from Simon Sinek. I'm a huge Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action fan and while I liked Leaders Eat Last to me it wasn't nearly as good. Still well written just not as life-changing.
The Infinite Game is very applicable and actionable. At first, I was a little concerned that the book was going to become repetitive and overly exhaustive. Afterall how many different ways can you tell the reader to focus on the long term and not the short term?
But it turns out there are a lot of different contexts where that philosophy changes the way one acts and I didn't feel the book was dragging on or repeating itself too much.
Only 4 stars here for 2 reasons. First “Infinite Game” feels a lot like Find a Why and Don't lose it. The concept of the book just didn't feel super different from the core Sinek philosophy presented in Start With Why.
Second, the entire book is focused on the business arena but I think the idea of playing the infinite game in one's personal relationships and stewardship is even more valuable. It obviously wasn't the author's intent to discuss parenting etc but I feel it would have been nice to do so.
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