A Great Business Book or App by John Eckberg
A wonderful author and friend of mine has published a new book which gives great insight and inspiration to leaders and business people everywhere. “Pot of Gold: Business Book Nuggets for Leadership, Work and Career” by John Eckberg is a collection of business book excerpts. John has had an amazing life interviewing business success stories across the country. When I first spoke to John he was working as a business columnist at a newspaper in the mid west. He autographed my copy of his first book “The Success Effect
” which contains wonderful interviews with entrepreneurs and leaders such as Donald Trump and Deepak Chopra. I enjoyed it greatly and John gave me the opportunity to preview a draft of the upcoming Pot of Gold book that he was working on at the time. The insights are powerful and it represents a unique collection of inspirational thoughts.
I recently also found that John has been able to release an iPhone app which gives you access to that same content found in the book. The app is very affordable and the user interface is user friendly. I like to added feature which allows you to add your own quotes that you may pick up as you go through the day.
Download the e-Book: Pot of Gold: Business Book Nuggets for Leadership, Work and Career
Download on Kindle: Pot of Gold: Business Book Nuggets for Leadership, Work and Career
Download the App on iTunes: Success by John Eckberg – iCrysta
Thank you John for continuing to inspire others toward greatness!
Jacob S Paulsen