10 Personal Development Books to Read This Year
Andrew James of AndrewJamesinc.com interviewed me today about 10 books that I would recommend that people read in 2010. I selected a top 10 list of personal development books (below). To listen to the audio interview visit Andrew’s blog here.
With the new year come the resolutions. How about deciding to read some good books? I am listing my favorite 10 personal development books. Not listed in any specific order these books will help you grow in various aspects of your life.
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John C Maxwell
- If Harry Potter Ran General Electric – Tom Morris
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker
- Speed of Trust – Stephen M. R. Covey
- Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill
- The Greatest Salesman in the World – Og Mandino
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
- Personal Power II – Anthony Robbins
- How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
- The Power of Full Engagement – Jim Loehr
I am glad to see so many of the old favourites getting into the top 10. It would have been helpful to understand the selection criteria; I think the list could have been sub-divided into a number of the discrete areas on personal development as it is difficult to see how leadership gets in with some of the others.
Julian, thats a good point. I didn’t explain much of where I was coming from. I made this list as part of an interview I did with Andrew James. I have now inserted a link to that interview with a better explanation! Thanks for the thought!