Baby Einstein

We are very grateful to Racheal & Chris Pivik who hooked us up with a bunch of Baby Einstein DVDs. Simon has a longer attention span for Baby Einstein than for any thing else we have tried. I think it should be classified along with fishing shows, camp fires, really fat people and other thing that you can't help but stare at. ‘m serious, even I find myself watching Baby Einstein when Simon isn't in the room. I don't always have much option since we now keep it on repeat play all day long.
On a side note I just finished listening to the complete audiobook “The Count of Monte Cristo.” Sweet book. I love the movie but the book was even better. On another side note who stole my movie “The Count of Monte Cristo?” I have an empty DVD case. On another side not my Spiderman 1 DVD case is also empty… ok enough side notes.


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  1. Shannon on May 23, 2008 at 7:16 am

    I love Baby Einsteins! Just be aware that if they are on too much, too often the baby stops being interested in them. This I learned by sad experience. 🙁

  2. Jacob Paulsen on May 23, 2008 at 8:29 am

    Simon still only watches about 10 minutes per day but its because he can’t stay focused on anything for longer than 60 seconds.

  3. Katy on May 23, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Baby Einstein… like a drug in this home!! We LOVED it, saved me from a life void of showers, phone calls, and anything else I could fit into 15-30 minutes!!!! I agree with Shannon, we burned Ava out on them (sooo sad) but now she’s all about Dora and Diego.
    ps. I did not steal your dvds.
    pss. the book IS awesome (totally different from the movie) but i am a fan of the movie more (i think it’s cuz i watched it many times before I got my hands on the book)

  4. Grandma's Editorials on May 24, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    They are cool tools for getting a break or introducing fun subjects to “study” with children. Anything can be used too much, of course; but I’ve seen you balance with playing, singing, exploring etc. as well.
    I love all Dumas’ books. I am a swashbuckler romantic at heart. Hence the castles, swords and dress-ups at Grandma’s house. I don’t admit to playing with them by myself, but you can guess…

  5. Tiffany Gibbons on May 24, 2008 at 3:34 pm

    Just thought I would let you know that I have your DVD’s. Yes I know that I have not seen you for years but alas I have them. I thought about them and POOF, they appeared. Your little boy is the cutest.

    Tiffany (Blacker)Gibbons

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